Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back to Civilization

Ok for the 3rd time in our married life, the Cliftons AGAIN have their own internet.  We are so excited (well mainly me) to be connected again.  Seriously I spent all nap time today (so sue me, won't happen again) just purusing the gloriousness that is everything toddler school, decorating, and anything else you can think of.  I have had the best time, and didn't really notice how much I had leaned on the internet for my encouragement, especially in mothering.

Today was a little harder with Reid.  It was the first time Mark had gone back to work since graduating on the last day of July, so our routine went back to normal after being out of whack for a little bit.  I am embarrassed to say I could have handled some situations better than I did.  After a particular instance I was able to get him down for a nap and then went automatically to the Duggar family website (seriously I love them) and was so encouraged to just continue on striving to be the mom God has called me to be.  Michelle Duggar didn't get to be the mom she is or have the personality she does just by coincidence, she practiced, and purposed to do those things to better herself.  I look forward to learning more and attempting to not rise to anger when my toddler refuses to listen, or says no (for the 14th time that day).

There are so many things I want to do, that I feel are calling my name.  I want to memorize more scripture, I want to decorate, I want to get ready for fall, I want to start preschool (kinda) with Reid, I want to do sensory activities with Owen, I want to purge and downsize, and get rid of so much junk, all at the same time that I want to sit on my hiney and stare at this screen.  I realize just how lazy and selfish I am sometimes and actually pray each day that I would be productive the next and desire to accomplish things for my family, instead of just for me.  Sometimes it is hard when your toddler is adjusting and just wants to play with you all day (detoxing from having daddy for all his entertainment needs for a solid week and a half), or your 7 month old is teething, but I know these are the best years, the ones I will so want back one day, so for now I press onward.

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