Sunday, October 5, 2008

Don't know a good title really. . .

Well I am up here at the church right now for our longest day of the week, Sunday. We pretty much stay gone from our house from 7:30 AM to 7 PM, which can make for a long day to say the least. Mark is around doing something musical and I sit here in his office doing homework, though today has been my least productive day so far. I have done just what I need to do to be ready for tomorrow and nothing more, which is not good. It is just the mood I am in right now sadly. I am getting worn down and that is not a good thing when this is only the halfway point of the semester.

Today I was going back through and reading all the previous blogs I had written. So much has happened in my life the past 4 months or so, I cannot believe time has just flown by me. I miss the lazy days of summer, when nothing called my name when I got home for the day, I miss just being able to get away, I miss my Sundays being a day of rest sometimes, I miss alot of things. But a lot of things are so good for me, I am so blessed. I have amazing friends who love me, put up with me, and just are a great support. Mark has a job he enjoys and he is a wonderful husband to me. I got to hold a sunday school members newborn baby girl and she was so beautiful. I am alive and well, I am staying on top of my school work, I am happily married and surviving which is cool. I have many blessings to be thankful for, and for the most part I am not,

I tend to think towards the negative, get stressed out about issues I shouldn't be stressed about, and am tired more than I would like to be because of it all. I am trying to make a change to not go to bed with my mind full of all these negative things that keep me from falling asleep and give me nightmares that I wake up from and cannot go back to sleep from thinking about what all I have to do next. No, life is good, and it is too short and precious to be living it the way I have been.

Tonight at church I think I am going to go and help with the children's choir. Our sunday school teachers (the music minister and his wife) are in charge of that, so I am excited for a chance to get to know them a little bit better and work beside them as well. I truly do enjoy working with kids, a fact I have to remind myself as I swim through the miles of paper work I am having to do so that I am able to work with them for the rest of my life. Hopefully tonight goes good, the kids like me, and I am able to help Bob and Janet out some.

Mark also has some new things happening. He might possibly be going back to get an associates degree in order to be a Physical Therapy Assistant. It has been something he has been thinking about quite a lot for the past couple of weeks and is looking into pretty intensly. He has always like the body and learning about how it works and what all it does, and he loves people, so this really does seem like a perfect fit for him, both to him and to those who know him best. I am excited about this because it is going to be something he wants to do and will enjoy as a career.

So yeah, I think I have babbled on long enough and really should go and do some homework.

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