Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Definitely Beginning to Feel Pregnant!

So at a little over 29 weeks, I am definitely beginning to feel more and more pregnant! Seriously I haven't really "felt" pregnant before now. . . I just went about my normal day and did everything that I would've done had I not been pregnant. I traveled to Wyoming for goodness sake! Granted I wasn't as far along then as I am now, it is just crazy how much can change, how much your BODY can change in 3-4 weeks!

We went to Oklahoma for camp, and it was so much fun! I thought I would do just fine because I had done SO well on the way to Wyoming. Seriously, I didn't feel a thing the whole way up north or back. This was NOT the case for Oklahoma. When we got there I could feel my that my feet were slightly swollen, that walking was more cumbersome, and I was more tired. After a week spent there at camp, we headed back. If the trip up there was slightly uncomfortable, then the one back was VERY uncomfortable. By the time we got to Dallas my feet were very swollen, and my ribs were hurting because he liked to get up under there and just stay. Needless to say, I made it. . .

We rested on Saturday and then we went with my family to Smackover, Arkansas to attend my childhood friend's wedding reception! We had a great time, but it was another 3 hour ride up there and then a 3 hour ride back. The same thing happened with the swollen feet and being very tired by the end of the day. I got home and declared to Mark I was not going anywhere over 3 hours away until after the baby is born! It was fun, but man it begins to take a toll. I am wondering how I am going to get any bigger! I know I am and I know it is coming, I am not naive, I just feel like I am running out of room now! Oh well, we are on the downward slope of this thing, only 10 more weeks (or less) to go!

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