Saturday, September 25, 2010

Getting Closer

Well friends we are almost at 37 weeks! How exciting and somewhat scary is that? I cannot believe that in around 3 weeks or less our little man will be here. There are so many emotions that I am feeling right now, but I try not to give into them too much for fear I will lose it. Seriously I don't exactly know how I should feel or what I should feel. The added stress of moving hasn't helped either. If I think about what all still needs to be done just for the baby (tour/pre-register at the hospital, take a breast feeding class, get last minute baby items off registry, pack our bag (baby's is packed), install carseat) it kinda makes my head spin a little. Then not to mention all the things still left to do with the move (get rest of the stuff out of shed, organize storage closet, fix laundry room drain problem, place fencing up, install lights and locks), and the dogs (get them bathed and frontlined, get Ellie cut, order new frontline, get Ellie heartworm medication), well its enough to make a girl go crazy, not to mention finishing all thank you notes and addressing them! Yeah so see I just can't think about it or I will literally stress out and realize how far behind we are for being so close. I will say this, it is not for lack of trying or doing, we are ALWAYS doing something, always busy, every day and evening we spend time loading, organizing, putting away, it is never ending! Thanks to my parents and everyone who take teh time to come and help us!

Let me insert a word here about my wonderful husband. For a month almost straight he has had something to do every night with the house and every weekend, for various other reasons. He has worked SSSSOOOO hard and is continuing to work to finish everything up. I haven't heard him complain, he has gone above and beyond what should be expected of someone and for him I am grateful. We will get this finished before Reid gets here (I hope) and it is thanks to his hard work as well as our family's dedication to see it gets done as well.

1 comment:

Lee Ann said...

Just read your last few posts. Your new house looks so good!